
The impact of stress on your health and well-being


Stress manifests itself in many ways. In many instances, stomachaches, indigestion, insomnia, and other common symptoms can send you to see a doctor. Your doctor will give you a regular diagnosis: something you ate, a bacteria… etc he will give you a couple of medications to buy and that’s it. The reality is that for many reasons, and of very diverse manifestations, a very difficult problem to diagnose can be caused by stress.

Today, that disease (or condition) is all too common. From children to adults, we live in a stressful world. Everything must be fast, everything costs a lot of money, lives feel more complicated from generation to generation, especially since the technology boom of the 90s. It seems benign, simple, but many studies have shown the impact of stress on your health as well as your well-being. It can impact something simple like sleep, hunger, but it can also be much more serious and manifest itself in the form of dangerous, sometimes fatal diseases.

The advantage of living in these years of scientific and philosophical development is that we have more information, more remedies, and a deeper understanding of how to treat stress, how it impacts us, and especially how to avoid it.



  • Hypertension
  • Headache
  • Abnormal hunger/Weight gain
  • Premature aging
  • Memory loss
  • Hair loss
  • insomnia
  • Higher blood pressure
  • Slower and restricted digestion
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Common cold/flu


  • Avoid consuming caffeine
  • Exercise, run, move your body
  • Regulate your schedules to have a regular sleep
  • Find relaxation techniques and implement those that work in your daily routine
  • Talk to someone. Taking a load off your shoulders by talking to a third party can provide relief and reduce your stress level. Keeping your emotions and frustrations inside is very bad for your mental health
  • Write. If you can’t talk to someone, it can be very therapeutic to write your problems, thoughts, emotions in a journal.
  • Take control of your life, get organized and start implementing a routine if you don’t have one. Feeling in control helps you lower your stress level
  • Learn to say “NO”. Today it is important not to be a “Yes Man/Woman”, someone who says “yes” to any request from a boss, friend or family member. If you keep adding more commitments to your life, it becomes more and more difficult to manage your time, maintain your routine, and stay stress-free.
  • Stop from time to time. Especially if you feel sick, may it be a flu or something heavier. You have to take care of yourself when your body sends you a signal that it is no longer up to your rhythm. Listen to what he tells you and you will recover faster, and you will learn to stay in better condition